Holly Tree

HOLLY TREE PLANTATION Simpsonville, South Carolina

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Classified Ads Terms of Use

  1. We reserve to right to refuse any classified advertisement or to suspend or remove any listing prior to listing expiration.
  2. Classifieds are free to Holly Tree Homeowners Association members in good standing for personal, non-commerical use.
  3. At the Homeowners Association Board's discretion, listings may also be accepted by residents of Holly Tree who are not Homeowners Association members.
  4. Listings must comply with the family-oriented nature of MyHollyTree.com. No offensive or inappropriate listings will be accepted. Compliance with this standard is at the descretion of the Holly Tree Homeowners Association Board.
  5. Listings expire at set intervals and may be renewed at the discretion of the listor.
  6. By listing an item, you agree to have your contact information published on the website.
  7. You must be 18 years of age or older to list an item or have the consent of a parent or guardian.
  8. Neither MyHollyTree.com nor the Holly Tree Homeowners Association endorse any item listed in the classifieds. Any transaction resulting from a listing on this site is between the buyer and seller and is not warranted or guaranteed by the aforementioned organizations.
  9. MyHollyTree.com does not guarantee the accuracy of any listing. It does not guarantee the availability of the item listed. It does not guarantee any listed item will be displayed on the website or will be properly classified.
  10. By listing an item in the MyHollyTree.com classifieds or by viewing items listed herein, you agree to be bound by the terms of use as posted on the MyHollyTree.com website.

Copyright 2001 Holly Tree Homeowners Association.  All Rights Reserved.