this page often for the latest news and information. This site will provide updates
of interest to Holly Tree residents in between the publication of issues of the
neighborhood newsletter.
Community News:
Santa on the Firetruck Pictures 2016
Holly Tree Residents enjoyed Santa's visit through Holly Tree sponsored in part by Carol Pyfrom Realty.

Santa on the Firetruck Pictures 2015
During the holidays, many of the Holly Tree Residents enjoyed Santa's visit through Holly Tree.

Holiday Decorations Contest Pictures
During the holidays, many of the Holly Tree Residents decorate their homes with lights, ghosts and pumpkins. To view more pictures from the neighborhood,
please go to our Photoalbum page.

4th of July Fireworks Celebration
On July 4th, many Holly Tree Residents joined together on the lawn of the Holly Tree Country Club to watch a spectacular display. To view more pictures from the evening,
please go to our Photoalbum page.

November Food Drive
Our latest Food Drive contributions went to God's Pantry, a food bank where no one is turned away.
Over several hundred items were donated and the worker at God's Pantry were most grateful.
This is a photo of the items that were donated from Holly Tree Community. Good job HT residents, this is proof
that a small donation can add up to alot. Thanks again to all who contributed items.
We should be proud to live in this community! Thanks, Sloane.

Click here to go to the Archives page, which contains older news items.