Swim Team registration will
be held:
• Sunday, May 3rd from 2:00-4:00
• Mandatory Parent Meeting at 4pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom to review
scheduling changes and new rules from SAIL.
• The swim fee is $65 per swimmer (payable to Holly Tree Swim Team).
• The HTCC Pool membership this year is $385.
• Team swimsuits will remain the same as 2008.
• Suits will be available for purchase at registration. The suits will be sent
to the printers to have the logo imprinted. You will receive them back
before the first meet. The cost is:
o Girls Super Proback - $51
o Boys jammer - $34
• A HTCC Pool Membership or Full Club Membership is required to participate
on the team. Cost for 2009 is $385. Pool Membership
forms are available at the Clubhouse.
The HTCC Swim Team registration forms and SAIL liability form can be submitted
in person at registration. Or by dropping them off this week at any of the SAIL reps homes:
Jeff Wood
108 Countryside Lane
Jeff Wood
Anne Vogt
19 Staffordshire Way(Danbury neighborhood on Adam's Mill)
Anne Vogt
Mary Margaret Goodlett
204 Camelot Drive
Mary Margaret Goodlett
Holly Tree Country Club Swim Team Registration Forms
2009 Registration
SAIL Intent to Swim 2009 Form
SAIL Medical Release Form
SAIL Waiver and Release Form
2009 Calendar
2009 Practice Schedule
2009 Education Schedule
2009 HTCC Parent Volunteer Form
2009 Meet the Coaches
On Sunday, May 3rd our two head coaches will be at the Club to meet
the new swimmers and greet all the returning swimmers.
Kyle Galt is returning as one of our head coaches this year. He is a
graduating senior at Mauldin High School and will be attending
Tri County Tech’s Bridge program this fall. Kyle’s swimming experience
consists of swimming for Mauldin High School, YSSC for the past 5
years, a member of the Y National Team for 3 of those years and
placing in the top 10 in the nation while on the team each year.
He has been an active participant in SAIL and swam for Holly Tree
last year.
We are please to introduce a new addition to our coaching
staff – Emily Hotz is a senior at Riverside High School
with plans to attend USC Upstate in the fall. Emily began
swimming in the SAIL program for Silverleaf at age 7 through
the age of 17. She swam the stroke clinic under Tom Calloway
from ages 8 to 10. At the age of eleven she joined the Eastside
Aquatic Club swim team where she swam for 5 years. Emily began
swimming for Riverside High School in the 7th grade.She was
a part of the State Championship Team for 5 out of 6 years.
She completed her swimming as a senior captain this past season.
2009 Practice Schedule
*Pre-Season Schedule (before the end of school)
May 11th through May 15th
Dryland Practice Only
10 & under - 4:30 to 5:30pm
11 & up - 5:30 to 6:30pm
May 18th through May 29th
Water and Dryland Practice
10 & under - 4:30 to 5:30pm
11 & up - 5:30 to 6:30pm
* Regular Season Schedule (after school is out)
Friday June 5th
10 & under - 9:00 to 9:45am
11 & up - 9:45 to 10:30am
Monday June 8th - Friday July 10th (no practice July 3rd)
10 & under - 8:30 to 9:30am
11 & up - 9:30 to 10:30am
Guppy - 10:30 to 11:00am
* Championship and Classic Swimmers Practice Schedule
Tuesday, July 14th through Friday, July 17th
Times to be determined.
2009 Swim Team Schedule
June 5 | Holly Tree vs. Spaulding Farms starting 5:30 |
June 11 | Holly Tree @ Pelham Falls starting 5:30 |
June 18 | Holly Tree vs. Thornblade starting 5:30 |
June 25 | Holly Tree @ Devenger starting 5:30 |
June 30 | Holly Tree vs. Stone Lake starting 5:30 |
July 10 | Divisionals @ Spaulding Farms (11 and up) - time TBD |
July 11 | Divisionals @ Spaulding Farms (10 and under) - time TBD |
2009 Guppies
Our guppy program is designed for young swimmers who may not be
ready to commit to the big swim team. Guppies must be at least 4
years and comfortable in the water. Guppy swim team is not a
substitute for swim lessons. A schedule of guppy swim meets will be
distributed at the parents meeting on May 3rd. The guppy
coordinator this year is Penny Rice. She can be reached at
386-0370 or
Penny Rice.

Copyright 2001 Holly Tree Homeowners Association. All Rights
Reserved. |